India, a country in full growth

India, an immense republic

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Immense republic, as vast as the whole of Europe, India is turning into one of the first economic world powers.

A better understanding of each other’s society will pave the way for healthy cultural and socio-economic relations and long lasting artistic and commercial agreements.

"Extravagant India !", throws a bridge between France and India. The arts in general and the cinema in particular are meeting points and powerful means of communication.

François Hollande in India, India superpower...

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13th february 2013 at 19:26
By VIJAY SINGH Writer and cineast

“Entre l’Inde et la France, superpuissances culturelles,
des liens plus étroits dans le cinéma ou l'éducation pourraient forger un partenariat plus fort
que tous les Airbus et Rafale du monde.”